Sunday, 22 February 2015


Healthy food habits play a major role in maintenance of human body physically and mentally healthy. Eating on time is always beneficial. We should eat green leafy vegetables daily. The leafy vegetables contains all nutritious vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates etc.

Canada's food Guide
Canada's food guide is the great resource for healthy food choices. I personally have read a lot of articles from Canada's food guide booklet. I always try to follow healthy food choices from Canada's food guide. Drinking plenty of water is the first step in order to maintain the health. We should try to develop the habit of drinking more water instead of coffee and tea. Moreover, water is the calorie free liquid. According to Canada's food guide,

 "A healthy diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruit may help reduce the risk of some types of cancer. Eating lots of vegetables and fruit regularly may also lower your risk for heart disease. Having at least one vegetable or fruit at every meal and as a snack will help you get the amount of vegetables and fruit you need each day. Explore the variety of colours, tastes and textures this food group offers (Eating Healthy Food, n.d.)."

In my personal Health plan, I always prefer to eat more fruit especially apples. As there is a very famous saying," Apple a day, doctor away." Apple also enhances our memory. There are so many other fruits which have their own importance. To be very honest, I don't like to eat vegetables; on the other hand, nobody can deny from its benefits. Carrots have vitamin A and keratin, which is crucial for optic health. We should also increase different kind of vegetable salads in routine life.
Some people like to eat fried vegetables with lots of salt. In that case they tend to gain more weight instead of loosing. According to Canada's food guide," Skip the French fries, poutine, and other deep-fried vegetables like tempura, zucchini sticks and onion rings. Have a baked potato, sweet potato, or salad instead. Some products with "vegetable" and "fruit" in their names or on their packaging are composed mainly of fat or sugar or are very high in salt. Fruit candies, vegetable chips, fruit jams or spreads, ketchup and vegetable or fruit drinks or punches do not belong in the Vegetables and Fruit food group (Tips for vegetables and fruits,n.d.)."



  1. Thank You for the great health and fitness tips....

  2. this health and fitness tips are really good

  3. you mentioned useful information about healthy food... I really appreciate it..

  4. Thank you all for feedback..

  5. I agree with u ..heaving healthy food is very important for healthy life style..
